Monday, February 15, 2010


As blue skies turned to dusk, ash grey clouds barreled in …my emotive self was lulled into accepting reality…this indeed was not meant to be.

The evening tide was coming in now and birds fed hungrily on God’s provision in the shallow…Etana’s “Don’t Forget” filtered through an open window along with the smell of fry fish and bammy….I was fascinated (possibly hurt) by the unexpected end to an unusual deed. The plight of singledom – “yuh win some, yuh lose some….ah suh di t’ing set up”.

Wave after wave of anger ticked by with the minutes spent chilling alone on a bench waiting, taking that chance that the businessman/cop/axe murderer would show up….I’m a simple girl with simple rules for life…honesty being at the top of the list, so opportunities provided to run for the hills having been rejected ought not to have resulted in Waiting. Yeah, I was late..ish, and at first didn’t mind the time alone to steel my nerve, but when the cold wind blew in, and comfortable warmth was nowhere to be found, my innermost sensitive self said @#&% It.

Drinking in the last bit of evening, the work stress still slowly seeping from my body, I watched two boys play in the sand as they hoped mommy would never say “I’m Ready”…..their innocence moved me. Regular people were locked in conversation, drinks in hand, the vibes running high…..but for one missing piece, 'they' could’ve been 'we'.

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