Thursday, May 13, 2010

An Eyelash Wish

I’ve never wanted the sun, the moon, the rivers or the mountain from a man….I’ve never wanted diamonds and pearls….I want him as a partner…all of him;

I’m satisfied with a bloke that’ll try his damnedest to keep this pretty smile on my face, to bring laughter to my eyes and soul, exhaustion to my waist and comfort to my heart;

I dream of a him who displays the fruits of the Spirit, One who puts only God before me…..Someone to submit to…Someone to trust.

My spirit longs to be with a hopeless romantic who showers me with blessings, a rock on whom I can lean. An ambitious him that knows where he’s going, that’s 6 ft tall or more, will settle for 5ft 10” as well:0)…A true man, witty and sophisticated yet rough around the edges…the ability to deal with the bourgeoisie and the proletariat…A man with a kind heart and a patient hand. A pretty smile he should possess, a firm sure hug, a demanding tongue, sweet tender lips, a body that displays his commitment to maintaining the temple given him, a listener, a giver and humble receiver…an air of gentle confidence…this is my wish.

An impossible standard some would say but I know I’ll meet him someday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well at least those qualities are somewhat realistic.