Monday, October 11, 2010

Focus failing

For a delicate being who can barely stand one day of rain let alone 5, it’s no wonder thoughts degenerate into contemplations of the baser, and certainly more exciting parts of life. I’ll blame these ramblings on the rain and only that cause in the midst of the storm, in times past, the opportunity was used to focus energy on a ready, willing and very able him.

A vivid picture of him stripped of all cotton confines is fixed in my mind. His execution of simple tasks like lifting your leg to rest on his shoulder prompts a choreographed piece - of muscle with flesh, each sinew a visible tease…his sweet smile when he notices not only the weather is wet.

Yes, in the cold of a rainy night, a melody tap, tapping on the windows, its the perfect time to treat a body to good love….to really whisper vulgar nothings in his ear, watch his toes curl from a taste or two…explore all of him…listen to his release….a woman should always find time to remind her man that love springs forth from her breasts, her hips and finger tips…her heart and the recesses of her perverted mind:0)

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