Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My Lord, Almighty God, Creator of all things….

I bow before you today as a woman…stripped of all vanity, humbled by your grace....asking you to look down upon me and hear my prayer.

Lord I ask that you bless me completely and that you will never let your light cease to shine on me.

Lord I ask that where my mind and thoughts have failed to reflect your light, that you will remove my sins away from thy sight…

Where my lips have sinned against man, I ask that you listen not to the thoughtless utterances of your apprentice.

Lord, where my heart has been shadowed by unforgiveness, I ask that you will touch me and make it pure.

Where my hands have offended thee, reaching for forbidden fruits, I ask that you take my hand and lead me…

Where my feet have taken me down a path you have not ordained, reflect not upon the errors of my judgment.

Lord, your majesty has been told from sea to sea, you are God alone without whom we would surely perish…Guide my mind and soul Lord as I learn you ways…..help me to always incline my ear to your Spirit and not resist, to remember the lessons taught, to be thankful for your daily gifts.

Your mercy endureth forever, Lord, and I ask that as I falter on my journey you will never leave my side…help me to open myself to be used by you, as you will.

Help me to be kind to all.

Still my flesh and the venom which rises in me too readily....Give me clarity and discernment Lord, so that I can live your plan for my life.

All this and more I place before you as my wants, knowing you will not fail to supply all my needs. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen and Amen.


Unknown said...

Beautiful post!

Emanicipated? said...

Thanks Stunner...bless up fi di new year

How do I do what, Anonymous?