Thursday, August 20, 2009

Leaning on the Rock of Ages

Pedestrian designed concrete tiles paved the way over a bridge which connected the two sides of the expansive pool, and a coconut tree saluted path to a white sand beach. Aaah…..A narrow track, with lush green grass (don’t ask me how in this drought) on either side, signaled your separation, finally, from the hustle and bustle of the general vacationing population.

Though early in the morning, I was not alone :( I found my spot, saw a lizard scamper into the coconut tree nearby, and changed my location, no need to tempt fate. I settled in to send up praises to the Most High, surrounded by the natural beauty of his creation. I’ve always loved the early morning time, you get to hear and actually feel nature....its good.

As I thanked and blessed, praying too for wisdom and understanding of the bits and bytes of a new subject area I’ve been running from trying to ‘get’ in totality, the comforting breeze whistled around my head, and I appreciated my Father's response with my eyes closed, mind fixed on Him and body and soul at peace. Oh how sweet it was to be in the presence of his Glory.

The skyline was breath-taking… a hint of ash blue sky caressed the waters edge…. straggling clouds were stretching lazily to join together and find real form...twas enough to soften the hardest of hearts, and I was thankful that the Lord had touched the powers that be to start the Retreat session a little later that day.. .. a carefully negotiated victory having ended the previous day’s session at 2:00 a.m.

I didn’t care too much about how I got the time, I was just elated that I did, cause I had at my disposal a clear two hours before resumption and could wade in the water, read a couple verses and tiptoe back to my room before the breakfast crowd really got into swing and colleagues could catch sight of my sarong and bikini clad sexiness:)

On my back in the deep blue, I floated and prayed for the Lord’s mercy and grace and continued protection from the devil's Mignon's which seemed to accost me from all sides….during the work session, thoughts of a certain Player under my thighs and bound by my web of pleasure occupied my mind intermittently. The fact that he had his hands full with the other females in the room (twas like watching a kid in a candy store, unable to choose which sweet to try to take), was a blessing in disguise cause I couldn’t really manage another 7 years of bad luck from coveting again a gold banded being….Then, no sooner had I reined myself in and under control, my trips to the restroom and at times just to get a breather from the heated tempers which flared over issues thought more important in the national interest…I was met with beautifully buffed, ripped dream bodies…6 ft and up, mellow sexy languages pouring fluently from their mouths, inspiring thoughts of whether their moans and groans were also done in a foreign language….the scene was too intoxicating for a recovering addict such as my self. I was on the brink several times, even at Lunch and Dinner when the beautiful beings were clad in wife beaters and flip flops, or cool cotton shirts….I was downright at risk.

Noting my loosening grip on self, I turned to the one weapon proven to work in these circumstances, the Bible. I read passage after passage and begged for forgiveness and strength to keep me through the duration of the Retreat without my fate or chastity belt falling. It Worked:0)

1 comment:

Rae said...

I have found you to be truly inspiring lately mi fren. :) Loving it