Friday, January 15, 2010

This too shall pass

Sometimes I think God darkens our days, our very existence too, to remind and prove to us that the human spirit will always triumph. A least developed, poverty ravaged country is hit by a massive earthquake and the world responds…maybe every country doesn’t rush immediately to help but the overall sentiment is that they reach out.

The outpouring of help for Haiti is enough to bring tears to my eyes…..“Too little too late”…some crusaders may cry, but when through tragedy countries forget their own situation for awhile and focus on a single good, I can't help but see the silver lining in the cloud of the aftermath.

The world put aside the usual hindrances to progress and a show of kindness, skin colour; religious belief; political leaning; the innate need to hold on to power etc., and responded to the cries for help from beneath the rubble. I give thanks that the quake didn’t hit in the night for surely the death knell surely would have rung out even louder.

I’m heartened today to be a citizen of the world. I am glad I was witness to the power of a mighty God, who destroys and builds up in ways unimaginable. Because I believe, beyond doubt that God on our side, I know inside that like the phoenix Haiti will rise again to face this new decade and win victory……with concrete and steel buildings too:0)

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