Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Victory Again

Watching the afternoon turn to evening and night, the sunset burning crimson through the bows of the coconut tree, memories of a former me crept into my mind and deep within I pined for that vibe, that smell, that feeling.

Chilly the wind blew, the tea in my cup insufficient for the battle to ensue..warmth increasingly slipping away from my depths…but still I sat.....

I contemplated the options still, as thoughts of his pillow top pecs and warm soft hands playing gently across my flesh pirouetted in my head…... But then, before harm could be done, sin was averted in the wind’s song in the leaves….the Almighty channeled my energy away from my lions to the tip of my pen…Grace was given me in the midst of temptation and my thanks streamed forward in praise….the Lord always provides a way out.

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