Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On a progressive path for change, faith and righteousness deepening, your breakthrough within inches of your grasp, the devil senses your imminent flight from the fold and unveils temptation to derail, upset and steal your Victory.

The possibility of demystifying the black/white coupling scenar is handed to you with open abandon….a fantasy from your youth here for the taking but the burden of sin is its companion.

Now faced with a choice of wrong or right, eternal happiness or damnation from a blissful night…the choice seems clear to your rational, spiritual self but your loins cannot erase the thought of looking down at his head between your thighs, stroking, licking teasing an eruption...’Yes’ is etched in the evidence of your arousal as he paints a picture of his submission to your touch, your lips, your kiss, your f—k…he’s good for your ego, but….

‘Runaway’ blinks in bright red in the back of your mind and your words even convey the same, but his tenacity is admirable….he coaxes a more agreeable response…Sweet scenes of you exploring him completely, learning his spots as you drag your tongue the length of his 5ft 9’ and 8 inches….slavery reversed as under you he relaxes to accept his pleasurably painful reward.

As the days tick tock by and the embers still burn, your weakness you’ve had to confess to Lord for he is better equipped to weather the storm…but still the flesh wishes to be touched, to be held, to be taught a thing or two. Images of you slowly falling to your knees to urge his release with tongue and lips and hands eager to please…Unholy machinations spiral through your mind with him trailing kisses down your spine, preparing you for entry from behind … Oh the thrill of finally comparing caucasian skill with black prowess, but still…

Your heart longs to be true to only one, the God of your salvation….and if these months of studying the word have taught nothing else its that the battle is not yours, so you turn this one over to Him and await the outcome.

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