Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Being Still in God

With a cup of mint tea in hand at 5:30 this morning you venture outside to sit for a bit and watch the dawn of a new day….the air is crisp, the mountains, though shadowed by the remnant night, were majestically decorated with rich green flora…..a more beautiful sight a painter couldn’t have conjured.

Its easy in the quiet of a day to ask for forgiveness for the things said and done….to reflect on the only being who offers unconditional love despite your faults….Yes, in the soft light of the morn a sinner is thankful for the present given with a willing heart, a new opportunity to make a start, get things right or at least try…..As the birds begin to sing their own praise, your spirit is lifted up and you’re infused with the knowledge that on this day you will succeed…you’ll not allow yourself to be drawn out of the protective bosom, the insults of rude men who’ve become too accustomed to being on top of their women, will roll off your back and time will be spent instead in storing up blessings in heaven through good works to your fellow man.

Yes, in a seemingly simulated Sunday morning vybe, you opt to try to be a better being and hope and pray that the Lord will commend your effort..Again.

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