Friday, October 23, 2009


In another 7 hrs and 13 mins I will no longer be the age I am and I'm left to ponder (as I often do) the value added by the year.

For the first time in my life I am happy to see the time tick away cause I have gained this year a better, more meaningful relationship with the Almighty. No longer will I review my list of new year resolutions and have to circle this item as "undone". More importantly, this yera has taught me to say no to the trappings of this world an dthat its not as hard as I'd thought (nuh get mi ruff.....but with divine help its easier I think).

33 yrs old and I'm just learning the value of hope, trust and faith in the Creator....I'm a slow learner but I'm confident I will get there in God's time.

Welcome 34 and the abundance promised.

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