Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Mystery

Why would God create humans to serve him but allow them to turn their heads away?

Why would God make us in his image forever clamouring for his affection but still bestow on us the treasure of free will?

Why would my Lord allow the Devil to tempt us knowing that we are powerless at times to withstand the test of our faith, even though at times we are rooted and grounded in the word?

Why would a loving God allow us to fail at trying to be good knowing that our conscience is innately skewed to skepticism about his forgiveness of our sin, why would God place in us a rigid inability to forgive ourselves, knowing that this lack more often than not leads to even further sin?

Why would he give me so much for me to destroy with the weakness of my flesh?

Why would he keep trying with me when I continue to fail?

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