Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On a progressive path for change, faith and righteousness deepening, your breakthrough within inches of your grasp, the devil senses your imminent flight from the fold and unveils temptation to derail, upset and steal your Victory.

The possibility of demystifying the black/white coupling scenar is handed to you with open abandon….a fantasy from your youth here for the taking but the burden of sin is its companion.

Now faced with a choice of wrong or right, eternal happiness or damnation from a blissful night…the choice seems clear to your rational, spiritual self but your loins cannot erase the thought of looking down at his head between your thighs, stroking, licking teasing an eruption...’Yes’ is etched in the evidence of your arousal as he paints a picture of his submission to your touch, your lips, your kiss, your f—k…he’s good for your ego, but….

‘Runaway’ blinks in bright red in the back of your mind and your words even convey the same, but his tenacity is admirable….he coaxes a more agreeable response…Sweet scenes of you exploring him completely, learning his spots as you drag your tongue the length of his 5ft 9’ and 8 inches….slavery reversed as under you he relaxes to accept his pleasurably painful reward.

As the days tick tock by and the embers still burn, your weakness you’ve had to confess to Lord for he is better equipped to weather the storm…but still the flesh wishes to be touched, to be held, to be taught a thing or two. Images of you slowly falling to your knees to urge his release with tongue and lips and hands eager to please…Unholy machinations spiral through your mind with him trailing kisses down your spine, preparing you for entry from behind … Oh the thrill of finally comparing caucasian skill with black prowess, but still…

Your heart longs to be true to only one, the God of your salvation….and if these months of studying the word have taught nothing else its that the battle is not yours, so you turn this one over to Him and await the outcome.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Freedom is calling in the promise of the everlasting …..freedom is calling you.
Freedom is calling in the miracles performed each day to get your attention…the bills that were paid, that tank of gas, water in your tap, bread for the day…
Freedom was bestowed on us all through the sacrifice of Himself…the freedom of choice given us as a gift, to choose or not to follow a God that loves us inspite of us.
Freedom is in finally saying Yes…yes to that outstretched hand, to the voice deep within which longed for the seed planted to take root.

“ Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men” Psalm 107 vs 8, 15, 21,31

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Victory Again

Watching the afternoon turn to evening and night, the sunset burning crimson through the bows of the coconut tree, memories of a former me crept into my mind and deep within I pined for that vibe, that smell, that feeling.

Chilly the wind blew, the tea in my cup insufficient for the battle to ensue..warmth increasingly slipping away from my depths…but still I sat.....

I contemplated the options still, as thoughts of his pillow top pecs and warm soft hands playing gently across my flesh pirouetted in my head…... But then, before harm could be done, sin was averted in the wind’s song in the leaves….the Almighty channeled my energy away from my lions to the tip of my pen…Grace was given me in the midst of temptation and my thanks streamed forward in praise….the Lord always provides a way out.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Thought I'd live up to the title of my page and Ramble on a few issues:

I was taken aback this week by:

- How much I longed for a hug, to be made love to, the intimacy of a kiss
- - how much I wanted to be under the thatch covered bench at Hellshire resting, soaking up the sea vibe
- how much I wished I had my own successful business
- the fact that I've seemingly shelved my plans for writing that great book
- the slow progression of my life to somewhere...anywhere else
- what it will take to build that fence I need
- how much 1 damn tyre really costs
- the evil that children are capable of
- the mistakes I've made in my life and realising that the worse one was the could I have been attracted to such a dispicable, insensitive being
- thoughts that transformation my be the catalyst I need for change
- the kinks in my spiritual armour
- my stunted growth