Monday, January 19, 2009

Changing Course.....Still

Normally I'm too self absorbed to notice much of anything else happening in the world, but I take note of an unfolding story here. People seem concerned about the fact that the new Governor General will be a Seventh Day Adventist.

At first I must admit that the thought struck me, cause the Nation's Business would have to be done between 6:00pm on Saturday and 6:00pm on Friday of each week. I was cross until I reflected on what the GG really does in a week. I couldn't think of more that twice a year when he actually performs some function to justify his salary..the National Awards and Honours stuff in August and October, and the occasional broadcast, which you and I know could be taped at any golf course/country club across the country. Other than these things, what else does he really do?

So I thought I would play my part in putting peoples minds to rest. The Seventh day GG will have ample time to do the Nation's bidding. In fact, its a good thing he has his other interests, it seems one could end up twiddling ones thumps on tax payers' monies in the circumstances.

Sir Kenneth was no great GG, not even good really. He was a chore to listen to and really ought not to have survived in the post for as long as he did. Farewell loyal son of this soil and I wish him every success in his future endeavours, but a part of me is thankful that I can return to listening to the special broadcasts from the GG again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still keep asking why the r... we still need a gg?