Friday, June 20, 2008


Sizzla has a tune and the first line...." Lovely morning, filled with the blessings of goodness.." resonates with me usually, but especially this morning.

It was a pleasure driving into work this morning....I saw school girls walking and studying/swatting prior to entering the school gate ( I had forgotten that this was how it was in High School)....I didn't even know the kids studied anymore or even had education as a plan for future success, it was heartening. I travelled further along and saw a Daddy alight from a vehicle his little girl in tow and I stopped and allowed him to cross with the gate he helped her with her backpack and watched as she hustled into the school yard.....this was a blessing to see in a time where "fathers" are never around and fail to play their part in nurturing their youths and the future of this country. Further along South Camp road there was yet another father with his daughter on his little bike, her helmet in tact as both journeyed on to who knows where....What a blessing to behold.

I cruised after that, and took in some of the other sights......sometimes we get so caught up in our issues that we don't notice the hope that's demonstrated everyday......hope, that is within our grasp. Its good to take a break from you and just watch the life unfold.

It is a lovely morning indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You saw some very good moments, things we almost never see as we are absorbed in our day to day activities.