Friday, July 18, 2008

Good Night

I had a great time at Reggae Sumfest last night...yeah we left town too late, yeah we missed some of the good artistes but damn my crew made it fantastic to be there. Personally I think I didn't get my monies worth from the performances I did catch having gotten to Catherine Hall at 11:00 p.m. but some of them gave me a good enough vibe. If I had to say who rocked the 'Hall" I would have to choose Movado.....he is promising. Second place would go to Busy Signal.

I had to acknowledge though that the music has gone to shit....I didn't know half the tunes they did but i know I couldn't tolerate too much of the mind numbing drivel they call lyrics these days which seem only to have two general themes, shooting out yuh marrow and every thing one can do with a woman. It saddens me to know that there will be a generation of youngsters who think that fucking /making love only entails daggering, stabbing or some other equally painful sounding, unskilled motion. Its sad cause they will never know what its like to enjoy a session in a slow tantalizing, every inch of your flesh burning manner.

Anyway, as I said, I had high vibes last night so I caught on to those I could and danced with myself in a group of couples, got pissed I was the seventh wheel but then said frig it. I flirted with one or two of God's wonderfully built creations and on the whole , left the festivities for work in a great mood. Unfortunately now the 'no sleep' situation has my eyes drooping and bloodshot and I can't wait for 4 p.m so that I can head for home, but it was all worth it.

I can't say that there weren't times when I was down right vex 'bout the not having a man behind me grinding against his......, especially as the night air wreaked havoc on my senses and my group peeps paired off to 'love up' a bit, but I was a trooper....frig it indeed. Life is sometimes unfortunate, one just has to learn to live through the tough times until better comes.

It was a good night and I wish I could attend on Saturday too, I love Lil Wayne and I hope he brings Bird man along too.....I love his nasty looking tattoo riddled body....he looks like a man that could deliver a serious bruising....of course Etana and Taurus would be huge must sees too (if I could ever reach a venue early enough to see them perform...they perform too early man) I shouldn't torture myself like this I know cause there is no way in hell I can afford another ticket at this time of the month, so I'll be glad I went last night and call it that. I wish I were better at asking for things....if I were, I could probably get the tickets free from connected parties, but who wants to be a beggar....I'm weird like that....I would have no difficulty with someone giving me the tickets without my initiating it though...tsk, tsk.

I guess this post is just to say that I had fun last night....good, clean....ish fun.


Unknown said...

Good to know you had fun! Wait, wah happen to di pictures?

Emanicipated? said...

Not that skilled yet but hopefully soon.