Monday, July 28, 2008

Murderer - Blood deh pan mi shoulda

I probably shouldn't be confessing my sins in this blog but I have to get it off my conscience so I am here to tell my blogging buddies that I am a serial killer. I didn't plan to be this way, it just happened and now I'm not sure I'll be able to get away for much longer.

My first victim was quick but not quick enough as it tried to fly out of my clutches on a broken didn't work, so I ended its life with a screech. I prayed about it and eventually I forgave myself for the wicked act.....thou shalt not kill it is written. This happened in another space, another place, another time... I was new to the neighbourhood and had plans to leave soon so my bad deed went unnoticed for all this time.

I wasn't as lucky as before with my second victim. there was no premeditation, there was no ill was an accident really. I wasn't even driving fast, cause the road required skillful manipulation to ensure that front end and tyres remained functional. I saw the lady, I saw the puppy run but I honestly thought there was no danger....until i felt a bump and heard the same lady shout 'come puppy" and " min' yuh kill him". By the time I had processed what she had said, and realised that the bump I felt was not a pot hole but the little body of a runt who hadn't yet had a chance to live, it was too late. Like a fool I hopped out of the vehicle and ran to the other side only to see the remains of the the little one...damn. Instantly I realised that I had put myself at great risk, cause I shouldn't have even gotten out in the area I was Hagley Park Road....worse having slaughtered a loved one for one of its residents......I apologised profusely and hightailed it out of dodge.

I am sad about it though.....I like animals and I hate to see them come to harm, even now I shiver at the thought of the poor little thing trying to get back to mommy.....I am evil. I remember being vex as hell with first love who hit a dog on our way in from St. Mary once......we didn't speak for 2 days, as he tried to assure me that it couldn't be helped and he was sorry....dem things deh mash mi up star....we are our pets' keepers, its up to us to keep them safe and what do I do, I squish them under my tyres:( I will pray again about it and beg for forgiveness.


ruthibel said...

LOL... poor thing, but really, these things happen. I remember when I was in a taxi on my way from St.Mary to town, and the taxi ran over a baby goat. I was the only one in the whole taxi who even made a sound or winced or anything... everybody else kept quiet like it was normal. I was traumatised for bout an hour. Then it went away. FOR GOOD. This too shall pass...

Unknown said...

Oh no! that is an experience no one should go through! I was in a bus one when it ran over a dog, you could feel the hump as the bus went over. Then when I looked back i say the dog in agony trying to pull it's lifeless, crushed hind side of its body. I really felt it for the poor dog. You'll get over it soon though.