Monday, August 18, 2008

Transforming Crappy into Good Vibes

It was a tough rainy weekend but I survived, just barely, without stupid incident.

When the pressure got too much to bear I yielded to temptation the best way I knew how.....I called Mr. ATL and requested that he walk me through to release....he was sweet. Got to love a guy who can react well under pressure.....he pulled off the road and delivered well.

We haven't spoken since I handed over the goods for my encounter which was.... interesting....he has a nice habit of lifting me up, and I can picture my legs wrapped around his waist as we bounce from pillow to post....that aside though we agreed then that his brand of fucking around was a little too mature for me....which it really is...he and his wife have an arrangement, he gets to do whatever he wants and so does she....they discuss the encounters at times and sometimes even engage in threesomes.....WOW there's nothing like a developed country perspective. he has offered to make real any fantasy I have....WOW.

I must admit that the offer has been titillating my mind...among other things. I have always wanted a two men and me scenario....hmmmm. I have had Jamaican men claim that they will do it until its crunch time then the matter is quickly shelved. Now, I could have my cake and watch both of them eat cool would that be....

On the other hand, I'm a power junkie and there's nothing nicer than watching a woman's husband/man squirm under you....what can I say it gives me a thrill. I wouldn't get that from this a matter of fact there's not much of a game to it....what's my motivation then, prospects of a threesome? Is that enough? Its not like I'm connected right now and in any event I am capable of juggling a stable relationship with my wild side escapades....Is this what I want at this age though...or can I take a break from growing up and play a little? I will think some more on it.

I should thank the Player one of these days...his lesson in PATIENCE has proven to be useful in these of these days I will pull him aside and whisper thank you. For now though, I will put into practice the lesson learnt and let Mr. ATL sweat it out a bit.

(Sigh) much to think about I will need a vacation soon.

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