Thursday, April 30, 2009

By His Deeds Shall a MAN be Known

Young, future bright....he was a child for whom the world came tumbling down when he heard the word "Divorce".

His days since the split were spent suppressing his hurt and pain at the loss of the familial safety net...Parents who were supposed to protect him, failed him and now look at the result.

Frustrated, tired of shouting silently for help, he succumbed to the J'can male stereotype..."Bad man nuh bawl, they act out". He hid his emotions under transparent actions, tucked away the longing in him for that cuddle, a demonstration of love and protection and he succumbed.....he succumbed to the pressure of destroying someone or something else, after all, misery loves company. In order to get the attention he needed, he realised he had to scream from the core of his being for somebody, anybody to SAVE ME PLEEEEASE.

His deteriorating mind found a voice in a blog, an outlet which escalated his plea.......Jamaica, the secret society that it is, closed its eyes and ears and he languished in latent violence.

Bombarded with images of 9/11, bombings in Afghanistan, nauseating demonstrations of force of will on smaller opponents, and the ease with which one can create mayhem, a website guide to world domination explored maybe. His Itouch, cellphone, computer, TV screen, weapons of self destruction, a detonator in his hands and a head full of erroneous thoughts...a dangerous combination, but a necessity for the HELP he needed.

He's a Jamaican boy, armed with his father's gun. Blind, Overcome with the release of finally letting them see what he had much it really hurt. He forced his way in, he took charge of the plane and stonewalled the troops. Minutes turned into hours....and with messages streaming in from every angle, he grew intoxicated with the stage he had entered, spotlights on him, finally.....His father on a phone, his friends too, a pleading Prime Minister...which other 21 year old could claim such an audience...all for him, a shadow until then. Hoping to recover sanity, praying the system wouldn't fail him, or that Daddy's money could bail him....raging against just being a statistic, to not be counted among the number of failures at life after legislated parental split.

Steven Fray was as much a victim as the passengers of Canjet Flight 918 His country failed him. We failed to recognise his pain...we failed to listen to the words unspoken.....this baby of the soil, the JAMROCK, our hard hearts failed him completely.

In all this though, we give thanks, that the usual force of our armed forces was not displayed, and he opportunity provided to help him still.

My concern is that a jury of his peers, will not see this action as a cry for help, but instead, will sentence him to life among the real threat. Yes, we will bow to the pressures of international organisations who were the same to happen on their own soil, would have coddled the youngster instead of sacrificing one for the greater business number.

It is indeed sad that history will recall him as a troubled youth, with too much access to information for his idle hands, weak constitution, it will see him as the corn reaped from impure wayward youth. His deeds in one night, will forever be his badge of matter the motivator, no matter the circumstance, a son betrayed by a mother and father....a son of the 21st century common phenomenon... a broken home....a text book case.


Unknown said...

A sad story indeed. Only steven fray would know what was going on in his head when he did what he did. Nevertheless, his actions cannot be excused as unfortunate as his circumstances were in his youth. A lot of persons have been failed by their family and the system, they act out in their own way. But one thing is sure, we are accountable for our actions. The things we do have repercussions, there is no one or thing to blame when we consciously do something that we know is wrong.

Emanicipated? said...

If his consciousness was impaired by other factors, how then can he be deemed to have been responsible...just raising arguments his powerful defense team will no doubt and offering a different perspective on the issue....everyone seems hell bent on seeing him strung up for this, but what if he could have been saved from before now....why weren't we interested in him then?