Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jumbled thoughts on a Whimsical Saturday

Like the vines of the Ivy planted at the base of a wall, growth takes place in several directions.

From the heart of a wee twig life springs and reaches toward the sun with extensions of self growing at variable rates....magnificently.

Unlike the Ivy, which is in no hurry to cover the great expanse of wall, Man sometimes is rushed to mature and reaps certain doom to be charted in the annals of his life. The natural flow of life is interrupted to man's peril...until......if one is lucky, one uncovers and learns the lessons of life and growth, quickly....Should you be blessed with discernment, this is an easy task, should, however, lady luck despise your friendship, you languish in failed attempts at building self.

Character, like the Ivy, is never the arm of you that reaches to its peak first. Instead, it reserves its fever and is informed by every failed attempt. The struggle, the fight, it all feeds the real you to be unveiled in the future when the lessons have been learnt, when new paths to development are found.

A component of you however is always left behind to remind you of who you were at a particular time in your existence. These remnant experiences become the rock on which your true self builds......stop for a moment, let the real you be heard and seen...stop.....and let life unfold'll be happier for it.


Unknown said...

Wonderful words. Something we all need to do, take things in stride. Trying to rush things may just end up in disaster.

Gussie said...

Beautiful piece, I concur. I find it so difficult to exercise patience when your a citizen of an "Instant World".

Emanicipated? said...

You too are too deep....I'm gonna think up an equally profound response and then...ha,ha,ha, I'll be able to converse in the big league:0)