Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Women Interrupted

For years I have managed to worm my way out of relationships, quasi relationships and what I considered to be meaningless sexual escapades before they got too crazy or became too much of an emotional roller coaster to endure. But today I stand as a witness for my sisters who have endured the pain of being cast aside for newer models, or misled by men who were too afraid to say upfront I only want sex; 1,2,3 times maybe, but after that its bye bye. Bamboozled by their sweet words or penetrating looks which place you on a pedestal over everything else in the world resulting in rape by their disarming focus on loving you.

The hurt of rejection has been with us from time immemorial, and some how we women have not learnt how to deal in these scenarios. How to take life as it comes without making more of things than is necessary. How to stop for a minute and think before our legs sprawl open to receive a dose of deceit in the name of "good times". My Sisters, why do we always place ourselves in a box from which there is no return? Is it the love, the thrill of conquest (nope. cause that would be easy to deal with because you would have had the upper hand), the yearning for companionship or just plain contact to be made? What motivates us to ignore the advances of a work colleague for years only to fall victim overnight and become the coffee break drama for the morning after?

I submit that the next time an approach is made, you "just say no" it doesn't matter how long its been since you've had an escapade, it doesn't matter how badly you feel inside or how much you just want to be wanted, just say no. Stop and think about the consequencies, yes it could lead to love but it could also, more often than not, mean that you sit by the phone waiting for him to call, feeeling hurt pierce through your heart when he doesn't answer your calls, text messages, e-mails etc. Stop for a minute and think about whether or not its worth it.

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