Saturday, May 24, 2008


If I were a Poet....I would bare my soul in stanza after stanza of emotion filled words. But I am not a poet, so instead I bury the emotion and show only that which I can accept to be seen.
I unearth no new strength thus I fail at being creatively obtuse with meaningful literary displays.

If I were an Artist, I could paint my world with a rose pink brush and live only in the good times which provoke good memories......and if I were an Artiste I could sing a song of love and hope to capture with melody what's inside me.

But while I can provoke wrath and other similar sentiment in others, I am not very thought provoking....I offer no conscious content for perusal, I cannot signal meaning while guarding true understanding and expression with use of covert I am afflicted with insufficient stamina to feel and let the feeling go. I am therefore an amateur who conveys truth in clear terms........most of the time.

But....if I were a Poet, I would be at "Calabash" this weekend wielding words and soaking in sound instead of at work.......but this is what practical beings do, they make hay while creative beings play.

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