Saturday, May 24, 2008


I savoured my coffee this morning under a clear blue sky. I sat outside and let nature wash over me and it was great. I watched as the breeze disturbed the tree tops dancing from one to the other, getting closer and closer, and I exhaled.....A lone cloud drifted in and though it was weak and without much form it was intoxicating and I fixed my gaze and watched as it disappeared over the hill tops.

With so much beauty at my retinatips, I thought about the people around the world who couldn't partake of this bit of God's glory and I was saddened. How awful it must be to wake up each day to a concrete jungle and a city hung over from a restless night. I often wonder whether I could live like that.

Opportunities are calling and the wise and rational decision would be to extricate myself from the misery and yield to the temptation of foreign lands. But could I live in a place where one couldn't take timeout to marvel at birds and how they fly, could I do without a mango season and the joy of sitting underneath the tree, could I survive if I had no hilltops to watch as they glisten in the sun by day and wash the flats by evening with a deep green which immerses your senses in wonderfulness.......could I live without these luxuries?

I'll think some more on this while I balance my love for Country with the need to prosper and determine whether I should give up on this love affair too.


Unknown said...

I too love the opportunity of getting away from the city and enjoying the beauty of God's creation, nature at it's best! Jamaican has so much of that to offer, but one has to make a living and crime is crippling. But it's good when one can take time out to admire and enjoy.

Emanicipated? said...

The crime is getting closer and closer to each of us but I have to admit that even with that and the price of gas and food, a part of my heart belongs to Jamaica and I know we can do better as a country....everyone just needs to play their part. It is a beautiful can one turn ones back on all that it holds?