Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reflection and Hope For Better

If I were to write a book about my life it would be interesting in parts, but mostly boring.

Too much time was spent watching time pass.....
Too many actions went without appropriate reaction...
Too much indulgence in reaction occurred....
Too long I waited for change not recognising I am the change agent.....
Too much disregard for feelings unfolded.....
Too light a touch was taken to the regulation of self ......
Too many lessons were learnt the hard way when the writing was on the wall....
Too much time was spent being stubborn and not letting go.....
There was too much engagement in the wrong things.

As I wait with apprehension for the next 7 hrs and 15 Mins to elapse, signalling the end of another year of my life where stupidity reigned supreme, I can't help but pray that the ushering in of a new year will result in a new dawn for me...a new approach to life and living. I pray for wisdom and understanding, discernment and grace...cause I cannot be who I was this year again.

Following the silly path reaps no good reward. Unless one is prepared to learn from the mistakes made, then....and only then, when the lessons have been learnt by our mind, body, soul and heart, can you truly move away from fruitless endeavours and rest triumphantly with confidence in self.


Gussie said...

They say hindsight is always 20/20 and that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Unfortunately, we’re not robots driven more by logic than by our emotions. Some habits and practices (even our most destructive ones) are like cockroaches, hard to kill. You are well on your way, you’ve already identified all the shortcomings that you want to address. Good luck with the overhaul!

Unknown said...

If only life had a freaking undo button! But as the saying goes, 'we live and we learn', such is life.