Thursday, February 14, 2008


Cloud nine..........a myth, a never really gets there, its an ideal, a place imbedded in our subconscious by nuturers, a pedestallike condition which one spends forever chasing.

Today is not good....I knew it wouldn't be.....I knew that from Januray complicate matters Boogie called to wish me well for the day.......this lovers day, he called to wish me could I be well.

I tried the angry response thing in hopes that it would counteract the deep longing to relax in him inside me....he wasn't having it.......after my rant and asking why he would do something like this, today of all days, he said I didn't have to get upset, there was no ulterior motive, he just wanted to hear my voice on this day and let me know that he missed waking up with me today......that's all.......I broke.

I'll make a wish today and seal it with a kiss..........I wish I were stronger.

1 comment:

Reggae Barrister said...

In times like these I prefer to sleep or put the mind to rest. When I awake or emerge from my self induced stupor, I am usually ready to take on the world.