Friday, July 13, 2007


Friday the 13th. I really have nothing to report however I thought it would be remiss of me to have this extraordinary day pass without my making a comment on its import.
Today I think the portals of the darkside are allowed to roam this land and reek havoc on its inhabitants without too much hoopla being created. It is accepted that on this day bad things happen so we go about our lives knowing that at any moment in this 24 hrs we could be struck with an unfortunate happening....and we seem comfortable with that. For those of us who believe in God we can combat any series of evil happenings with our faith in God's protection.
Already, despite my belief in my Lord's protection, I have exercised my will and bowed to temptation. The events this week which have orchestrated my path crossings with this man were simply too much and too weird...I worked late last night only to find that he had to deliver something to my boss, who was working late too. I mean...come the hell on. So of course he popped in to say Hi. The Lord still provided me protection as we were unable to get beyond that point owing to the entrance of my boss shortly after his arrival. Thank goodness, I know I would have gotten carried away....patience has not been my friend this week...... thereby breaking my covenant.
Moments between us did not pass as smoothly as they could have; there was some erotic pandering as he asked for a piece of gum...which I was of course already chewing....and I felt compelled to live up to my temptress nature so I slightly exposed the sweet between my lips as an offering. The company we were in did not permit him to bite, but he noticed my intention and winked it away......I would say that the desired effect was achieved.
I wish I could get over this nasty part so that I could really have some fun with him...he is as playful as I am.

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