Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Matter of Confidence

I thought today about a rare commodity in this life....a commodity which rounds out the human experience whether positively or negatively....a commodity which defines great men and women and without which our ambition is but a whisper in the wind....CONFIDENCE.

The issue of confidence is a challenge to mold into a particular is the intangible manifestation of drive. But for as much good that redounds to those who possess it, confidence also prohibits the recognition and acceptance of realities.....confidence conspires within us all to create alternate realities and only the truly enlightened can discern when the drive for success is flawed and therefore requires adjustment for purposes of living.

Confidence is the antithesis of realism, which channels energy into our very psyche, our hearts, our souls.......demanding that you take the opportunities provided which are rightfully yours. There is no deterrent but self, no saving grace, it is difficult to undo once nurtured, it is the vein of existence and sometimes error thought.......possessing it can be harmful but not being so endowed is cataclysmic.

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