Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today is not so good........apart from the challenges associated with work and the current greening of the nation, I am saddened by my inability to make wiser choices.

I saw Boogie yesterday....turns out he really did leave that thing at my house......when I saw him pull up, my heart did somersaults in my chest. I have not yet felt the wonders that this New Year has brought and I hoped he would have been my saviour from the purgatory I'm in.......he wasn't.

But for a courteous "goodnight", we didn't speak......I can't believe he may just not love me anymore........the him I knew him to be would have had his way with me from the moment he came in the door, even ?against my will...... can a flame which burned so deeply and bright for sooo long be extinguished in the passage of 4ish weeks?

I guess.

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