Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What's Inside

Have you ever had one of those periods in your life where everything that can go wrong does and there's nothing you can do about anything cause when you try it results in compounding the problems.......this is where I am now.

Where every element of my life has issues....work, home, car, family and friendships.......its all n the crapper. Where you have to press along but you are soooo tired of the constant struggle.

You know you will survive but you can't help but wish that the one person who could offer some semblance of comfort wasn't part of the cause......I want my Boogie......I want him to wrap me in his arms and make it all feel better....I want him to convince me that we are in it together.................that's a lot to want from someone, and for a proud and independent girl like me, its too much to admit to and worse, verbalise.

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