Saturday, June 23, 2007

Questions - Rehashing of old scars

May 15, 2007

Once again I am in a position where I am uncertain of how to jump. I said my piece, which went down well I think. So why am I having second thoughts? Why am I still thinking about him? Why does the prospect of him not wanting to throw in the towel stimulate me so? Why can I still picture making love to him….and seeing him bite his lips in an effort not to moan under my fingertips, nipples and tongue?

This should be easy, he is unavailable and I am unavailable, to wade too far in these waters with these constraints can only result in heartache for all parties. We did well so far, 6 years, why change the relationship now? We got the opportunity to sample each other, why not just be satisfied with that? Yes the sample had promise, but again one is always reminded that our actions have consequences.

I hope I can do this…I need to do this….I have prayed for strength to do this and I know the Lord’s intervention will be valuable and I have faith that he will help me over this hurdle.
The gentleman has also given his word to play his part to assist me in not breaking this resolution.........yet another indication of the ease with which his interest in me may be dispatched. All my ducks are in a row and all I need now is to exhibit a little more control and this matter should pass in short order.

Yes! This sounds like a plan….but I have had plans before.

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