Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Love Display

I must admit to having neglected my Boogie somewhat in the past few weeks......I have not been living up to my spousal responsibility due to a little travelling that I had to last night when he woke me up and asked if he could make love to me, I realised that he was out of patience and needed a little more than the now customary (within the last month) one time only fuck sessions we've been engaging in.......I agreed whole heartedly.

He made me burn with desire......he kissed every inch of me...he tugged and sucked me until my entire body was hour and a half later, when I was threatened by dehydration from the loss of fluids I tried to rush the flow so that I could get the real object of my desire.....I straddled him and he allowed me to, but only briefly......within minutes I was back on my back and he broke out the restraints.....son of a bitch......(there is a feeling of helplessness that I get when we dabble with bondage, I like to be in control, needless to say I don't do this part well).

Eventually I relaxed and allowed myself to enjoy the feeling as he whispered sweet nothings and reassured me that I didn't have to do anything, just feel him make love to me..... and that this session was to pay me back for being his could I argue with that.....God I love him.

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